Maximize Your Property Value: The Best Ways to Pass Your Home Appraisal

December 21, 2022

According to financial experts, the Emerald Coast in Florida is more than just a stunning place to live. It's also a top location to invest in property as well.

So, if you want to receive a home appraisal on your home, now might be the perfect chance.

Before starting that process, read about our top tips to improve your property value. Below, we talk about the best places to improve in your home for maximum results and minimal cost.

Search Similar Homes on Property Websites 

An appraiser's first job is to see what similar homes sell for in your area, so that should be your initial task too! Run a property search and look for similar sizes and styles of properties in your location.

Note the value of the property and spot the features that stand out in the ones with the highest price.

Do they have doorstep appeal? Have they landscaped their gardens? Perhaps they've made their kitchen and dining room an open plan layout. See what trends are in and use that as a starting point for your priority list.


Removing clutter from your house will make it look immediately bigger and brighter.

Start by boxing up any decor and ornaments on surfaces. If you have display shelves, minimize them and stick to one or two photo frames, plants, or fresh flowers.

Don't forget to declutter children's rooms, even if it means temporarily packing away their favorite toys into boxes.

Bedrooms should be functional, calm, and minimalist spaces, so you must try removing personal items as much as possible.

Repaint the Walls

A complete redecoration in your home costs time and money, and you might not recoup all that investment after a house appraisal. However, you can do a few upgrades here and there for minimal cost and maximum impact.

One worthwhile upgrade is to repaint the walls. A coat of fresh paint will help your rooms look cleaner and brighter. Choose a neutral color like magnolia, as buyers prefer these shades to brighter, bolder colors.

Invest in Your Front Yard

People often forget about putting time and money into their front yard. However, it's the first thing people see, and as the old saying goes, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.”

However, you don't need to invest thousands on an expensive driveway or landscaping. Most homes will benefit from a minor revamp.

You could trim overgrown hedges, add a pathway, and buy fashionable potted plants to frame your front door. You could also repaint your front door, which helps your house look a little more upmarket.

Prepare Necessary Paperwork

It's helpful to tell your appraiser what work you've done on your house. That will show the appraiser how much money you've invested and whether the work has been done to a professional standard.

Keep a file with a summary of improvements, the date, cost, and an invoice from any contractors you hired. Leave this file on the kitchen counter or another place easy to be seen.  Your appraiser will thank you for this extra information. It will not only make their job easier, but may help your home appraise higher, as well.

Getting Ready for a Home Appraisal

There's no need to worry about an upcoming home appraisal. You can make a tire house look brand new with a few small touches and moderations to your home, and you'll successfully pass that appraisal.

Your next step is to find a title company along the Emerald Coast for your real estate transaction. Contact our team to find out more about our closing attorney services.

Questions? Contact Us!

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