The Importance of Real Estate Attorneys in Your Title Company

August 6, 2018

The process of buying and selling a home is quite complex. Many states require that real estate transactions are closed and insured by attorneys because many components of real estate conveyance are considered the practice of law. Each state, however, has different regulations pertaining to the title insurance industry. In Florida, both attorneys and licensed title agents may handle closings. At Emerald Coast Title Services, we believe there are many benefits in having licensed Florida real estate attorneys involved in the real estate closing process. Our attorneys play an instrumental role in each transaction that comes through our office.

Specifically, our attorneys can assist by drafting affidavits, deeds, and mortgages that are needed to convey clear and clean title; drafting special terms on listing agreements, contracts, and addendums; drafting separate agreements for furnishings or other property and giving legal advice when necessary.

In addition to our on-staff attorneys, Emerald Coast Title Services is backed by a full service, law firm, Hand Arendall Harrison Sale, with offices in Northwest Florida and throughout Alabama. This gives our clients immediate access to attorneys that can handle just about any issue that arises, including, probate, will and trusts, or tax law.

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